Saturday, February 13, 2010

every day

I'm sick and tired of waking to the same room in the same empty bed i have been for the last 20 years. I'm sick and
tired of putting on the same pants and shirt for work like I've been doing for the last 2 1/2 years. I'm sick of the same people waltzing into my cafe, with their little quirks and specialty orders... tall soy quad shot latte no foam steamed to 134 degrees on the dot...FUCK YOU! I hate to be like the guy from Role Models but the fucking sizes are SMALL MEDIUM AND LARGE!, get it fucking straight, the shit people do and say to be apart of the hip culture at the expense of simplicity fucking astonishes me. I'm sick of corporate... doing what they think is best for stores they've never worked in, not giving a shit about our input, cutting hours at christmas time...yeah that's really gonna help customer relations and sales...make them wait in a line that extends to the back of the store cause you wanted to show a profit for the year...FUCK YOU.
idk what that was, just trying to practice a bit of writing i suppose before i pack a bowl, pump up the kid cudi album and make these problems go the fuck away.

today was good (5 hours of sleep withstanding), My sister had her baby, my niece, Danielle (welcome to this cold hard rock of a world we inhabit). I'm not one for the liking of children (aside from those related to moi), but at this age they are...i suppose the word adorable fits here. And for those of you who have never seen the mother...thats her...the mother.
Anyway, i missed a pretty chill bbq from what i hear, but later on in the night i managed to make my way to Amoeba with the woman and bought the kid cudi album on all that remains is the purchasing a record player...

all in all, good day, welcome to the world Danielle.


Yvette & Armida said...

Congrats Uncle!! Yes you missed out on a good time and Steven turning into Paul Bunyon and we were all disappointed because we didn't get to meet this girl you seem to be VERY much into, another time for sure. All jobs suck really nick, you either get over it and do it or get another job or of course move to an anarchist commune and eat beans and plan your over throw of the government for the rest of your life.

PS: the Perez Hilton comment was Greg and mine. hahaha sorry we HAD to.

mimichelle said...

amen, brother. and congrats :)