These are the days that i always look forward to when I'm at work. It's pretty much how i tell time now. "Yesterday was day off #1 of this week so's monday since day off #2 isn't till Wednesday"...or something like that. But the point is that they're important and I don't know why i waste them. Even as I sat and read some essays by Subcommandante Marcos I felt like a jackass in comparison. I sat there with with the writings of one of the world's greatest revolutionaries in my hands and i couldn't help but think that nothing that I am doing or will ever do will leave as significant of a mark on the world as this man has. I'm sure at some point or another all great activists and revolutionaries sat and read and contemplated things... the difference being they got up and did something, protested, wrote essays and books, or even picked up arms against oppression.
Anyway... on my way to the gun shoppe to pick up arms lol.... j.k. uncle same, not violating any anti-terror laws here sir.
Anyway, Marcos' writings are amazing! There could be no better a voice for the voiceless people of Chiapas than you sir!
on an unrelated side note i've been musing over a movie by the name of After Hours by one Mr. Martin Scorsese for the past couple days since watching it for the second time. Truly amazing black comedy about a hellish nightmare of a night in Soho, New York that involves paperweights, underground punk clubs, bondage sessions and CHEECH & CHONG! That's all you need to know...
A day reading Marcos is never un-productive or insignificant. And you have to remember that he and the generation of radicals like him were pushed to go underground and take up arms from the context of the violent and bloody oppression of the Mexican government in the late 60s. Think the massacre in Mexico in October '68. It was the last resort, as any violent struggle is. Plus, the EZLN technically had armed combat for about 11 days even though they are in a declared state of war til this day. It is now a war for the minds of the people. A "political" war in a sense. Look up the "other campaign". Marcos and the EZLN are masters of public relations which is perhaps more effective than a armed struggle is in their situation. Got to hand it to them. Tactical geniuses.
Try whitening your teeth while reading Palahniuk.
lay off the pot woman...really?
and have you started the wanting seed yet?
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